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[Brick making machine equipment factory] What are the types of brick making machines and how to distinguish them?

We often see brick making machines. They are used to produce bricks. There are hydraulic brick making machines, cement block brick making machines, straight air brick making machines, aerated concrete block equipment and other types. Each type has multiple models. Let's introduce the types and models of the brick making machines in detail

Bricks can be seen everywhere in our life. No matter what houses we live in or what roads we walk on, many of them are built with bricks. What kinds of brick making machines and equipment can they produce? Here's how to distinguish them.

At present, the brick making machines still in use include: hydraulic brick making machine, cement vibration molding brick making machine, vacuum extrusion brick making machine, aerated concrete equipment, etc. The details are as follows:

1. The hydraulic brick making machine adopts hydraulic transmission, which has no noise, high output, simple operation and high degree of automation. A production line of 5-6 people is enough. By changing the mold and raw materials, we can produce a variety of bricks and realize multiple uses of one machine. Hydraulic brick making machine can produce standard bricks, perforated bricks, fly ash bricks, lime sand bricks, tailings bricks, construction waste bricks, cement bricks, etc. It is an energy-saving and environment-friendly brick making machine that turns waste into treasure.

2. The cement vibration molding brick making machine is a molding principle combining hydraulic pressure and mechanical vibration, but it is mainly formed by mechanical vibration. It has high noise, high degree of automation, simple operation, less manual use, and it can also realize multiple uses of one machine. The produced bricks need to be placed on the pallet, and the natural maintenance occupies a large area. The equipment can produce standard bricks, perforated bricks, blind road bricks, road tiles, curb stones, etc. It is a low-cost cement brick production equipment.

3. The vacuum extruding brick making machine is a device for producing bricks by mechanical extrusion. It has the advantages of large output, high degree of automation, convenient operation, etc. The main raw materials are coal gangue, shale, etc. It can produce standard bricks and perforated bricks. Brick blanks need to be sintered, so it is prohibited to use in many places.

4. The aerated concrete block equipment is mainly used to produce bricks for filling the inner and outer walls of frame buildings. The bricks are made of fly ash and sand as the main raw materials after foaming, cutting and steam curing. Generally, the bricks are relatively large and light.

Through the above introduction, we have some understanding of the types of brick making machines. When selecting and investigating, we should select the appropriate brick making machine according to the local market demand and our own actual situation. Each brick machine has different models. We should select the appropriate model based on the brick type and output.

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